SkyEye 01 by Haruyacchi

•Inquiries Into Sci-Fi Fan Clubs.


“Does Space Exist?”

Junichiro Hashimoto

Though a half year passed from last inteview, we finaly could be continued lol. We ask a relationship between some compilation of Hashimoto's time theories and his old study for philosophers.

• Book Reviews

•Short Stories

“The Micro Novel 50 part 3.”

Hiroki Kobayashi

The second issue of Kobayashi's 140 characters series. This time there seems to contain a lot of illogical story.


Hiroki Kobayashi

This is a story of the future that clone people would be common.

The number of same face was incleased and we're telled apart by simple numbers. I, a pilot, am called as “#30-80-162.”

•Sereal Stories

Welcome to the universe! Conquer the universe with a super ancient huge spaceship

Chapter 4. “The Trouble-Buster Beyond the Galaxy Groups ”

Ep.34 “Capt. Kusumi travelling alone.”


Captain Kusumi was so tired for rescent activity, so he planned to travel alone. But, of course, he was involved in some troubles

From case of nuclea poluted matter to evil syndicate, he started special cleaning companey which seeps everythings. Where he reached finally....


SF Pencees

Yuh Ohmura