Flying Doghouse


Interview for The 2nd New face award Winners of Genron SF.

The Lagos Biopolice.

Tokio Amasawa

The Reciprocal Universe.

Haruka Mugihara

Genron SF New face award, whose main editor is Nozomi Ohmori, is second time, so we interviewed Nozomi Ohmori, Tokio Amasawa who is new face award winner and Haruka Mugihara who received an award of excellence. We ask them what to read to works of Genron Schienc Fiction Writers' workshop.

•short Stories


Hiroki Kobayashi

In the sweltering days, the smart speakers “Mame” and “Momo” are at the staled apartment. The two AIs' cause disturbances and conflict to invaders...

Sorrows of the Decadent Professor.


At the fin de siècle, I wrote this foolish story for a doll mania. I found this during arranging my books.

A woman in a Elegant Day.


I guess I wrote this story before reading Ghost in the Shell. If I read that, I would steel; I sometimes play steeling various stories, and this story might be like a Ghost in the Shell.

Oops, I HAVE Ghost in the Shell after a sort, which has much uniq setting, I guess. I can't create such stories.

•Sereal Stories

Welcome to the universe! Conquer the universe with a super ancient huge spaceship

Chapter 2. “The Trouble-Buster in Galaxy System ”

Ep.6 “To Encounter With Spiritual Beings, And The Memory Of Frontier.”


What is another clue in Frontier? What the clues encountered must be in the nihil space, but they are the spiritual being which ran out the shrinking universe.


“Billion Year Snooze”


I'm trying to create whatever I can. I don't know what they wil, I hope they will be joyable short stories, and I will be continue to write them.

Les Pensées de la Science-Fiction “Linguistic Sci-Fi”

Yuh Ohmura

Althou you must think this is NOT Sci-Fi, there are trad liguistic mutters in Sci-Fi world, like Baronh or Klingon.

Sometimes in cinema world, various languages may mix into fictional words.

I heard aliens tang are fictional mixed languages.

Have fan.

• Book Reviews

• Chandaia Saga
